Bobo Xi (席博博)

I’m currently an associate professor (on the tenure track) at School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University, and also a member of the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks.

I am also a Research Associate in the National Space Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). (Jiuzhang Talent Program, Part-time)

My group is recruiting master students. If interested, please send your resume and transcript to my e-mail.

Research Interest

My research interests include but not only limiting to

  • Hyperspectral image processing (hyperspectral image classification, target detection, etc.)
  • Multimodal information processing (multi-source remote sensing image fusion classification, zero-shot remote sensing scene classification, etc.)
  • Computer vision for deep space exploration
  • Deep learning and pattern recognition
  • [2024/06] One paper titled MFINet: A Novel Zero-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification Network Based on Multimodal Feature Interaction accepted by IEEE JSTARS

  • [2024/06] One paper titled Review of Zero-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification accepted by IEEE JSTARS

  • [2024/05] One paper titled Mind the Gap: Multi-Level Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Cross-scene Hyperspectral Image Classification accepted by IEEE TGRS

  • [2024/05] One paper titled Diamond-Unet: A Novel Semantic Segmentation Network Based on U-Net Network and Transformer for Deep Space Rock Images accepted by IEEE GRSL

  • [2023/12] One paper titled Small Object Aware Video Coding for Machines via Feature-Motion Synergy accepted by IEEE GRSL

  • [2023/09] One paper titled Class-Specific Auto-augment Architecture Based on Schmidt Mathematical Theory for Imbalanced Hyperspectral Classification accepted by IEEE TGRS

  • [2022/10] One paper titled DGSSC: A Deep Generative Spectral-Spatial Classifier for Imbalanced Hyperspectral Imagery accepted by IEEE TCSVT

  • [2022/07] One paper titled Few-shot Learning With Class-Covariance Metric for Hyperspectral Image Classification accepted by IEEE TIP

  • [2022/03] One paper titled Semisupervised Cross-scale Graph Prototypical Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification accepted by IEEE TNNLS

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